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More Miles Blog



Ready for some real talk? Let’s chat about habits ⬇️

When I started running half marathons and marathons, I always stopped at the bottom of a hill. Automatically. Didn’t try to run up or see how far up I could go running. I just started walking whenever I saw a hill coming.

It turned into a habit while running. I would notice myself getting stronger but I would see a hill and my body would have the urge to just stop before I could even think. I couldn’t understand why until I started learning more about habits.

I always thought of habits that were not running-related. Like taking vitamins daily or waking up earlier in the morning. It took me a long time to realize that I had created habits for myself while on the run, not just making the time for the run itself. Some are good habits, like fueling when I need to or bringing chapstick along. But the more I ran, the more I noticed the bad habits too. Like immediately walking up a hill or slouching over when I was tired.

I still sometimes have the urge to walk the moment I see a hill but I have spent years working on the habit to see how far I can run up it before I actually feel the hard effort I’m putting in. The thing about habits is that working on mindfulness will help you see what habits you’ve already created without even a thought. I had no idea i created a habit for myself with hills until I spent a couple years working on my mindset on the run.

The lesson that I’m learning is that hills will always be there. There are guarantees in running like you will always get tired the longer you run. You will feel like you’re working too hard on a run. The solution isn’t getting rid of the problem (no hills, no long runs, etc.). The solution is figuring out what habit you’ve already made & then working on a better habit of working through it.

Happy running,




1. Cross-training doesn't make you any less of a runner.

2. You can celebrate the 15min/mi just as much as the 7min/mi.

3. A short run is better than no run at all.

Let’s ground ourselves a little bit every now and then. ✨

Deciding to focus on cross training or strength workouts with runs sprinkled in doesn’t make you less of a runner. It makes you a stronger runner.

The 15 minute miles are just as needed as the 7 minute miles. All miles deserve celebration, no matter what your pace is. A mile is a mile, regardless of the time it took.

A 15 minute run when you were supposed to do 45 minutes is better than not getting in a run at all. It’s time we let go of being perfect and do what we can. Even a run that straight up sucks is better than not even trying to see how you feel.

I’m hoping this post helps you stop the comparison game when scrolling social media. All runners, runs, miles, and paces are welcome in this community whether you run every day or once a week. You’re doing great!

Happy running,


What is a Tempo run?

Tempo running is a type of speed workout for endurance runners. It's a moderate effort run that builds up your ability to run faster for longer periods of time! Tempo runs revolve around your "tempo" pace or threshold pace - this is usually a moderate to hard effort that you can hold for about an hour. This is a great workout to add in about once a month whether you're running a 5k or marathon. A tempo run can be a classic "run 30 minutes at tempo pace" or it can be an interval repeat workout in the middle of your run. Today's workout below is an interval tempo run.


The goal for most runners to improve isn't specifically about pace, it's more about efficiency which then makes you faster - making your faster pace a result of being a more efficient runner. Holding a threshold/tempo pace during tempo runs make your body more efficient & overall a better runner. You can have some fun and change the variation of the tempo workout as well!

Here's the structure of a tempo run with repeats:

x minutes or miles for warm-up/easy running

x number of interval repeats at tempo pace with short bursts of easy running in between repeats

x minutes or miles for cool-down/easy running

And now for the High Five Tempo workout:

10-15 minutes warmup

5 minutes of easy effort

4x5min tempo/threshold effort (a little faster than your 10k pace but slower than 5k pace) with 2 minutes easy running in between each set *should feel moderately hard

5 minutes of easy running

10-15 minutes cool down

Have some fun with it and change up the number of repeats each time you do this workout! Remember to start off your warm up SUPER easy so when you move into the easy running you're still feeling that increase in effort. It should be uncomfortably easy :)

Happy running,


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